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great series of articles, I'm a Stanford Alum and a jewish american who too often hears the standard corporate media accounts of unqualified support for the Israeli government no matter how reactionary, racist or destructive. The authors here provide a needed antidote. Thanks you !

Great to see such innovative and strong scholarship on these issues. Thank you SUP for pulling them together. The calls for balance are a weak attempt to suggest that Palestinians don't deserve to have their perspectives considered seriously. Instead of taking what is written and understanding it, the commenters instead seek to discredit it and dismiss it. Pathetic, really. I, for one, learned a great deal and found these pieces well-written and engaging.

Thank you for this thought provoking series of scholarly articles revealing many concealed truths about the current Israeli invasion of Gaza. These PARC fellow blog entries expose some of the most striking events of the massacres that barely registered in mainstream US media sources. Kudos to PARC for funding fellows that produce quality work.

From the many negative posts on this series, it is clear that US academia is highly constrained by the blacklisting and intimidation of American scholars who critically engage with Palestine's catastrophe (1948) to the colonial present.

I hope many other supporters of academic freedom, as well as serious scholarship in the evolving field of Palestinian studies, will support PARC by leaving a comment, becoming a member, and following some of their fellows' impressive scholarly contributions.

"Jerry": The issue here is not whether Amoz Oz is an "enlightened paternalist" or not. The issue here is that SUP, to its shame, has a blog series about the Israel-Gaza conflict which makes not even the slightest pretense of balance, which is so outrageously skewed that the Blog Editors didn't even bother with a fig leaf of including a lone pro-Israeli post. I wish I could say that I am surprised that you see nothing wrong with this.

Can you see global warming over 50 million years?

Why can't you see jihad over only 1,400 years?

Leave Israel out of the equation. What is the excuse for 276 girls, Mumbai, Nairobi, Southern Thailand, China, Beslan, Myanmar, Paris and London "no go zones", Malmo, Boko Haram, Mali, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, 9/11, Madrid, London tunnel bombing, Bangladesh, shooting polio health care workers, shooting girls for wanting to go to school, child brides, stoning for being raped, human shields and the list could go on.

But it's OK because you think it is just fine that Hamas should be able to launch thousands of rockets into Israel.

My how liberal rot has corrupted what was once one of the great colleges.

Whoever participated in this SU press blog should be hiding their heads in shame.

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